Don't be turned off by beef tongue. Though it's a rarity at my house these days, it's the one meat indulgence I allow myself since becoming vegetarian. My mom used to cook her beef tongue in the pressure cooker. If you do, only cook for about one hour. For a little extra flavor, you can also add sliced onion to the pot. My mother tricked so many people into eating tongue--including my husband. My husband is a fan now and wishes we'd have it more than once or twice a year.
I broke down yesterday and bought one at market because they looked good.
Wash the
tongue thoroughly and cover with water in a Dutch oven. Also add salt and pepper to your taste. Cover and boil for three or four hours—or
until tongue can be easily pierced with a fork.
Remove tongue to platter to cool.
When cool enough to handle, remove skin by pulling away from the
meat. It should pull off easily. The skin can be discarded. Slice the tongue. We season with salt and pepper and eat cold
or hot. It makes great sandwiches.
This is the
one meat indulgence I have allowed myself in recent years. When I became a vegetarian, I would sometimes
eat meat, but in the last year, I have been pretty strict with myself. I did make tongue last year right before my
mom died. I took her some and she seemed
to really enjoy it. I’ll probably make
it again some day… I do have a weakness here!
From: DILYLOPR'S Cookbook Chronicles
Vegetable Soup from Beef Broth
broth obtained from cooking some beef, fill a Dutch oven* half to three-quarters
full. Cover and bring to a boil. Add a bag of frozen soup vegetables, one or
two potatoes, diced, onions, fresh sliced carrots. My mom always added a can of Campbell's condensed Tomato Soup. I like to add diced turnips Bring to a boil and cook for 20 to 40 minutes
at a simmer. Flavors blend while
cooling, so this soup is usually better the next day.
is the recipe my mother made and it is fabulous. Today, I use vegetable broth unless I have
just cooked a beef tongue (cause I’m not going to waste anything). With vegetable soup, you can do so much.
I sometimes add turnips, or sweet potatoes, or left over veggies. Sometimes I use all fresh veggies and skip the
frozen packet entirely. You can add a
dash of Tabasco (I think this is my favorite now!) or a quarter cup of pasta or
grain for a heartier soup. I swear, you
won’t miss the beef broth.
*This can also be cooked in the pressure cooker for approximately 2o minutes.
From: DILYLOPR'S Cookbook Chronicles